Reviews From Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors

The horror community is truly dedicated. Not only dedicated, it’s a truly friendly and open crowd. That, coupled with a well organized and well executed convention, made Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors this past weekend, an event well worth attending…Not to mention I got to meet John Saxon, who worked with Bruce Lee on arguably his best film, Enter the Dragon. ….

Grind House, Hitcher Remake, White Noise 2, Resident Evil 3, More Trailers

Those of you in the New York area, looking to get some extended previews of upcoming genre films, can do so this weekend. Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors is taking place in Secaucus, NJ, and attendees will be able to see previews from the upcoming flicks Saw III, Pan’s Labyrinth, Ghost Rider, Grind House, Skinwalkers, Black Christmas, Wind Chill, ….