The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
By: Kevin Spacey
Characters: Verbal Kint
From: The Usual Suspects
Genres: Crime | Drama | Mystery
Ghost World screenwriter Terry Zwigoff to receive Maverick Spirit Award at Cinequest 20
Each year Cinequest presents its highest honor, the Maverick Spirit Award to people who stand apart from the crowd, willing to create and innovate from a place of personal yet global vision. This year, Cinequest awards this honor to a man who has done just that by expressing great talent in such diverse worlds as ….
Valkyrie Blu-ray review
Valkyrie tells the heroic true story of several German military officers that wholly rejected the ideals of Adolf Hitler and, in an effort to end his assault on German culture, attempt to assassinate him for the greater good of their country. They form a secret alliance with the purpose of removing Hitler from power, understanding ….