Bitch Slap Original 11×17 inch Movie Poster Autographed by America Olivo, Julia Voth and Erin Cummings (2009) [D51]
Bitch Slap Original 27×40 inch Movie Poster (2009) [D50]
New photo gallery revealed for exploitation homage Bitch Slap
New trailer for grindhouse tribute Bitch Slap hits the net
Calgary Fringe Film Festival Wraps
Tripping Forward has been awarded the 2006 Grand Champion Award for Best Film of Festival at the Calgary Fringe Film Festival. A buddy comedy Tripping Forward marks the feature film directorial debut of commercial director Marcus Nash of Mania Films. The film follows the lives of two tried and true party boys; a struggling actor and a out-of-the-limelight rock star, ….