Cult classic film noir horror Donnie Darko returning to theaters

In conjunction with their upcoming home video Collector’s Edition release (available Here), Arrow Films has announced the March 31st theatrical debut of the 4K restoration of Richard Kelly’s cult hit Donnie Darko. Following a wildly successful re-release in the UK for its fifteenth anniversary, the film will return to theaters in cities across America. Fifteen ….

New Powder Blue trailer

Speakeasy Releasing has released a new trailer for Powder Blue, which revolves around four strangers who cross paths through extraordinary and serendipitous circumstances. The film stars Jessica Biel, Eddie Redmayne, Forest Whitaker, Ray Liotta, Lisa Kudrow, Patrick Swayze, Kris Kristofferson, Alejandro Romero and Sanaa Lathan. Check out the trailer below. Find out more about Powder ….

Ghost Blu-ray review

Ditto The popular romantic suspense thriller Ghost, starring Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, and Whoopi Goldberg, was recently released on the Blu-ray format, thanks to folks Paramount Home Entertainment. It’s a film that deserves every bit of praise it’s ever received, and is one of those rare projects, that successfully blends dramatic and sci-fi elements, to ….

Michael May Comes Into the Light

Fox 2000 and producer Gil Netter are teaming up with Oscar-winning screenwriter Bruce Joel Rubin (who wrote the Oscar-winning script for Ghost) to adapt the book Into the Light. The film will be based on Robert Kurson’s upcoming book, which was based on an Esquire article, according to the Book Standard. Into the Light tells the true story of Michael May, a blind athlete who, among other accomplishments, holds the ….