Star Trek Motion Picture Trilogy Blu-ray review
In preparation for the release of the already epic sci-fi reboot by JJ Abrams, Paramount has released Blu-Ray editions of the 1966 TV series, as well as the first 6 original films, available as a complete set or a 3 picture set featuring The Wrath of Khan, The Search for Spock and The Voyage Home, ….
The Best of Star Trek The Original Series DVD review
This “best of” DVD from Paramount, reminds me of the many “best of” audio CDs that come out for many classic rock and jazz musicians. There’s never enough music on the disc, and there are so many great episodes of the iconic sci-fi TV series that could easily bear the title “best of”. I don’t ….
Blu-ray release of Star Trek: The Original Series giving hardcore Trek fans exclusive this weekend
Owners of Star Trek: The Original Series on Blu-ray will be able to access daily reports from FEDCON, Europe’s largest Star Trek convention, for direct download from the disc’s BD-Live portal. Apart from the additional information and exclusive videos and trailers provided via BD-Live, videos of the highlights at FEDCON will be available for download. ….
Two new Star Trek posters take flight
Paramount released two additional character posters from J.J. Abrams’ upcoming Star Trek origins film, due to kick off next year’s summer box office, when it gets to theaters on May 8th 2009. The two posters are of the Romulan Nero, played by Eric Bana, and the amazingly beautiful Nyota Uhura, played by Zoe Saldana. I ….
Win a signed movie poster from indie drama Tru Loved
In conjunction with the release of the indie coming-of-age teen drama Tru, Regent Releasing is supplying us with three original posters from the film, signed by the entire cast. Readers can win one of these limited edition items, by being a member of our mailing list. If you’re already a member, you automatically get a ….