Cinescape Magazine (April 2003) Terminator 3, Kristanna Loken Arnold Schwarzenegger [R52]
Twilight Saga: New Moon actor confirmed for appearance at Chicago Comic-Con ’09
Christopher Heyerdahl, who plays Alastair on the hit TV series Supernatural, who turns to the big screen to portray Marcus in the much anticipated November 2009 release of The Twilight Saga: New Moon, is the latest guest to be confirmed for the Chicago Comic-Con in August. Christopher’s appearance at the Chicago Comic-Con will be one ….
Preview screening of Blood: The Last Vampire tomorrow night at Wizard World
Those of us attending Wizard World Philly will be excited to know that Sony Pictures is sponsoring an advanced screening of Blood: The Last Vampire tomorrow night at 7pm, in Room 201A. The screening is free for con patrons.