Star Trek live concert tour kicks off this May

Star Trek is about to be seen and heard in a brand new way. CBS Consumer Products, Paramount Pictures, 21st Century Symphony Orchestra, IMG Artists and the Gorfaine/Schwartz Agency will launch Star Trek: Live in Concert featuring the 2009 Star Trek and 2013 Star Trek Into Darkness films. The events will celebrate the extraordinary collaboration between ….

Armageddon Blu-ray review

I have to grade Armageddon on a curve. The reason is that no matter how limited or contrived the story is, one can not escape the sheer entertainment value of this implausible action adventure science farce. Released in 1998, Armageddon became a watershed moment in the moviemaking careers of both its producer Jerry Bruckheimer (Pearl ….

MI3 Theatrical Trailer Tells More About Ethan Hunt

Mission: Impossible III Trailer Premieres on MTV Networks today; Debuts in Theaters tomorrow Paramount Pictures will premiere an exclusive look at this summer’s highly anticipated action-thriller, “Mission: Impossible III,” as Tom Cruise introduces the new trailer across MTV Networks on Thursday, March 16, it was announced today by Gerry Rich, president of worldwide motion picture marketing for Paramount Pictures. The film, starring Tom ….