Fight Club Rules of Fight Club 36×24 inch Brad Pitt and Ed Norton Movie Poster
Fight Club Original Motion Picture Score 2LP Vinyl Mondo Edition – Music by The Dust Brothers
Fight Club Rules 24 x 36 inch Text Movie Poster
Trailer and poster premiere for indie action comedy Dust Up
Win an official prop from Halloween II signed by director Rob Zombie
Enter Fangoria’s Halloween II mash-up contest by creating your own mash-up clip. You simply start with the assets provided, add your own original content, and then slice and dice away. You’ll get video clips from the movie and audio from Rob Zombie’s remake of the classic Halloween theme. From there, it’s up to you. Slice ….
Rob Zombie’s H2 trailer
The trailer for Rob Zombie’s Halloween 2, has been all over the place, so I guess it had to wind up here at some point. This is actually fuckin’ scary.
Kiefer Sutherland’s Mirrors Unrated Blu-ray review
On January 13th, Fox Home Entertainment released the horror thriller Mirrors: Unrated, on DVD and Blu-ray. I know this film was widely panned by critics, but I actually thought it was ok. Mirrors has three very powerful things going for it. Kiefer Sutherland, the stunning Paula Patton, and director Alexandre Aja, who brings a unique ….
David Fincher’s Zodiac Trailer
Zodiac focuses on a serial killer in the San Francisco Bay Area, who taunted police in the 1960’s and 1970’s with his cryptic messages. We follow investigators and reporters as they search for the murderer, becoming obsessed with the case. David Fincher’s (director of Seven, The Game and Panic Room) movie is based on Robert Graysmith’s book about the case. The film stars Jake ….
Calgary Fringe Film Festival Wraps
Tripping Forward has been awarded the 2006 Grand Champion Award for Best Film of Festival at the Calgary Fringe Film Festival. A buddy comedy Tripping Forward marks the feature film directorial debut of commercial director Marcus Nash of Mania Films. The film follows the lives of two tried and true party boys; a struggling actor and a out-of-the-limelight rock star, ….
The Prestige Trailer
It looks like Hugh Jackman and Scarlett Johansson will be in a second film together this year. That’s just fine with me, as I don’t really mind looking at either on screen. In addition to Woody Allen’s The Scoop, which hits theaters next week, on July 28th, they will both be seen in The Prestige. The Prestige is being directed by Christopher Nolan (Batman ….