Previews for Bobby, Shut Up and Sing, Breaking and Entering & Arthur
SHUT UP AND SING will be released limited October 20, 2006 by The Weinstein Company SHUT UP AND SING travels with the Dixie Chicks, from the peak of their popularity as the national-anthem-singing darlings of country music and top-selling female recording artists of all time, through the now infamous anti-Bush comment made by the group’s lead singer Natalie Maines in 2003. ….
Dixie Chicks to Shut Up and Sing
The Weinstein Company has acquired the worldwide rights to Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing, a documentary from two-time Academy Award-winning director Barbara Kopple (Harlan County USA, American Dream) and director Cecilia Peck, which will be featured as a Gala Presentation at the 31st Toronto Film Festival. The film, which is produced by Kopple and Peck, is a presentation of Cabin ….