
The studio was very much upset by it. I resisted because I didn’t believe that was correct. While people were feeling a certain way, I also felt people needed to change. And I felt that by seeing Sammy and Sammy seeing me, that we could help people understand and accept interracial relationships of any kind.

I was feeling like I was on the edge of being able to help people to be more accepting of all races and relationships of all kinds. I felt I was doing the right thing by doing that. I felt that Sammy and I were at the start of helping people understand that this is not wrong. A man is a man, no matter what skin color he has. A woman is a woman, no matter what skin color she has.


There are certain RULES that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie.

For instance, number one: you can never have sex.

[crowd boos]

BIG NO NO! BIG NO NO! Sex equals death, okay?

Number two: you can never drink or do drugs.

[crowd cheers and raises their bottles]

The sin factor! It’s a sin. It’s an extension of number one.

And number three: never, ever, ever under any circumstances say, “I’ll be right back.” Because you won’t be back.

I’m gettin’ another beer, you want one?

Yeah, sure.

I’ll be right back!