The reasons you should watch Schizo
A bleakly and intriguing first feature from Kazakhstan by Guka Omarova, who attempts to sketch a kind of updated Billy the Kid legend around a juvenile delinquent nicknamed Schizo, drawn into the criminal orbit of his mother’s boyfriend. Presumably, the intentions are sardonic, but a bare-bones scenario and the remote setting leave a lot of ….
More about the Dust to Glory documentary
A new sports documentary from Dana Brown, who produced the wonderful surfing panorama Step into Liquid. His subject now is the annual Baja 1000 road races in Ensenada, Mexico, where contestants compete in half a dozen automotive divisions, from motorcycles and dune buggies to 800 horsepower trucks.
Bride and Prejudice synopsis and yes it features Aishwarya Rai
A sumptuous and rollicking musical comedy update of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. The film comes from the same bright spirits that bought us “Bend It Like Beckham.” An exotic English-language entertainment, it’s an a world spanning film, ranging from India to London to Beverly Hills and back while revamping the Austen characters among affluent ….
Documentary called Inside Deep Throat coming soon
A documentary feature that recalls how the porn quickie Deep Throat became a box-office and cultural phenomenon in 1972. Interview subjects include Carl Bernstein, Helen Gurley Brown, Larry Flynt, Hugh Hefner and a raft of ’70s cultural types.
Luke de Woolfson playing Mick Jagger
John Mathieson (The Phantom of the Opera) is cinematographer on Stephen Woolley’s The Wild and Wycked World of Brian Jones, in which Luke de Woolfson stars as Mick Jagger.
The Marine coming from WWE
The plot of The Marine revolves around (duh) a marine (John Cena) who returns from battle to find that his girlfriend (Kelly Carlson) is ensnared in a kidnapping plot. It’s being helmed by first-time feature film director John Bonito.
Alan Moore pissed about Vendetta movie
I read on slashdot that Alan Moore, author of the V For Vendetta comic, has publically disassociated himself from the movie based on his comic, and disputes claims of support made by Joel Silver. As a result, he has also pulled the League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen comic book series from Warner owned DC Comics, and ….
The Weinsteins’ films that will screen at Cannes 2005
Bob and Harvey Weinstein’s new company, The Weinstein Company, as it is known, has snapped up North American rights to a $40 million movie project called Stormbreaker, based on the fictional hero of Anthony Horowitz’s series of novels about 14-year-old superspy Alex Rider. The Weinsteins are also expected to wear their Miramax hats while at ….
George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead film trailer
The trailer is on the film’s web site: The film is out June 24, 2005. Stars include Dennis Hopper and John Leguizamo.
Samuel L. Jackson in Afro Samurai
Acclaimed actor and producer Samuel L. Jackson is set to voice and produce the highly anticipated animated action-adventure Afro Samurai for Spike TV, with Japanese anime studio Gonzo and Japan’s largest TV network, Fuji Television. The five episode series will premiere on Spike TV in 2006. Afro Samurai is the tale of a black samurai ….
Devil’s Backbone Sequel News
Doug Jones, who played aquatic agent Abe Sapien in the film Hellboy, recently announced on his official web site that he will reunite with Hellboy director Guillermo del Toro for the upcoming independent Spanish-language horror film Pan’s Labyrinth. Jones will play Pan in the film, which is a sequel to the Mexican director’s 2001 cult ….
Who is directing The Reaping
Joel Silver, producer of the upcoming supernatural thriller The Reaping, recently told Sci Fi Wire that director Stephen Hopkins (who helmed Lost in Space) will begin production on the Reaping this summer. Silver added that The Reaping will aim for a more mature tone than other horror thrillers produced under his Dark Castle banner, such ….
Alfred Hitchcock timeline launches
Download: in Word in PDF FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, April 29, 2005 Jersey City, New Jersey, The film and media resource, review, and entertainment website announces the launch of a new multimedia timeline spanning the fifty-year career of thriller genre genius Alfred Hitchcock. The timeline is set to launch at the portal on May ….
Jane Fonda orgies?
Jane Fonda is putting out a tell-all autobiography. Screen legend Jane Fonda has some shockers in store with her forthcoming autobiography, “My Life So Far.” Miss Fonda, 67, says her late husband Roger Vadim bullied her into seducing women to join them in orgies. Mr. Vadim, who directed her in “Barbarella,” forced her to phone ….
Blood and Chocolate Werewolf Film
Olivier Martinez has signed on to star in the upcoming werewolf film Blood and Chocolate, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Agnes Bruckner will star as the werewolf, who must choose between her love for a human and her pack family after her relationship with a visitor threatens to expose her secret, the trade paper reported. ….