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- Cast: Alan Ruck | Ben Stein | Charlie Sheen | Cindy Pickett | Edie McClurg | Jeffrey Jones | Jennifer Grey | Lyman Ward | Matthew Broderick | Mia Sara
- Directors: John Hughes
- Contributor:
- Product Types: Poster Crush | Posters - Reprints
- Genres: Adventure | Buddies | Comedy | Cult Cinema | Drama | Teenage
- Poster Categories: Movies & TV
- Studios: Paramount Pictures
- Original Release Date: June 11, 1986
- Rating: pg-13
- More: John Hughes
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The John Hughes teen comedy classic Ferris Bueller’s Day Off centers on a high school wise guy named Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick), who’s determined to have a fun day off from high school, despite what Principal Ed Rooney (Jeffrey Jones) thinks of that. Bueller convinces his best friend Cameron Frye (Alan Ruck) and girlfriend Sloane Peterson (Mia Sara) to join him and they take a tour of Chicago’s famous landmarks.