The producers behind the animated sic-fi epic War of the Worlds: Goliath, have announced a very special screening of the movie will be taking place during San Diego Comic-Con 2012. The screening will take place in Stereoscopic 3D, and will include a post-film Q&A with Adrian Paul, Peter Wingfield, David Abramowitz, Joe Pearson and Kevin Eastman. You do not need a Con pass to enter the screening, however you will need a ticket which will be no doubt handed out somewhere in and about the Con.
In addition to the screening, there will be War of the Worlds: Goliath-related events at the Heavy Metal booth throughout Comic Con, including an After-Screening Party.
Date: July 14, 2012
Location: Reading Cinemas Gaslamp 15, 701 5th Avenue, San Diego, California
Time: 7 PM, followed by Q&A session after the show
Here are additional details on how to get tickets for the :
Producers are offering limited passes to the screening, and there will be three opportunities to grab them:
1) Daily raffle at Comic Con – Heavy Metal booth #1529
Submit your entry at the Heavy Metal booth (#1529) anytime during the Con’s opening hours (except after 5pm on Saturday, and all day Sunday).Raffle drawing at 5pm on Thursday (12th), Friday (13th) and Saturday (14th – the screening day itself) at the Heavy Metal booth.
Each winning entry gets two passes.
Important: If you are not at the booth when your entry is selected, we will put your entry back into the mix and select another – so please be there!
2) Saturday raffle at the Reading Cinemas Gaslamp 15
On the day of the screening (Saturday, 14th July), submit your entry at Reading Cinemas Gaslamp 15 from 2.00-4.30pm. Look for the “War of the Worlds: Goliath” giant display at the foyer.
A Tripod representative will be there to receive your entry from 2.00-4.30pm. Raffle drawing at 4.30pm. Movie starts at 7pm.
Each winning entry gets two passes.
Important: If you are not at the foyer display when your entry is selected, we will put your entry back into the mix and select another – so please be there!
3) Excess tickets at the screening, maybe …
Alternately, we may have excess passes just before the screening, at the cinema itself. You could get lucky if you just turn up! Movie starts at 7pm.
Check out an early trailer for War of the Worlds: Goliath 3D, below:
CLICK HERE to watch the latest War of the Worlds: Goliath film trailer.
Visit Facebook RIGHT HERE for additional details on the War of the Worlds: Goliath 3D Stereoscopic 3D film screening.
Find out more about what’s happening during San Diego Comic-Con 2012 at