Twentieth Century Fox Animation and Blue Sky Studios today announced the voice cast for Epic, a 3D CG action-adventure comedy that reveals a hidden world unlike any other. From the creators of Ice Age and Rio, Epic tells the story of an ongoing battle deep in the forest between the forces of good and the forces of evil. When a teen age girl finds herself magically transported into this secret universe, she must band together with a rag-tag team of fun and whimsical characters in order to save their world…and ours.
Beyoncé Knowles, one of the most widely recognized and highly respected women in pop culture and star of the upcoming A Star Is Born, voices Queen Tara; Colin Farrell (Total Recall) is Ronin; Josh Hutcherson (The Hunger Games) is Nod; Amanda Seyfried (Dear John) portrays Mary Katherine; and Johnny Knoxville (Jackass) voices Mandrake. Aziz Ansari (Parks and Recreation) portrays Mub; and rapper Pitbull voices Bufo. Jason Sudeikis (Horrible Bosses and the upcoming The Campaign) portrays Bomba; and rock legend and American Idol judge Steven Tyler is Nim Galuu.
Co-starring are Blake Anderson (Workaholics) as Dagda, and Judah Friedlander (30 Rock) as Larry.
Epic charges into theaters everywhere on May 24, 2013, directed by Academy Award-winner Chris Wedge, and produced by Lori Forte (Ice Age: Continental Drift) and Jerry Davis (Robots).