Shawn Levy directs Marvel Studios’ Deadpool & Wolverine, which hits theaters on July 26, 2024. The film stars Ryan Reynolds – who returns as Deadpool, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Morena Baccarin – who returns as Vanessa, and Jennifer Garner – who returns to the role of Elektra. Find out more about Deadpool & Wolverine at #FanCalendar Here.
The Film Fetish Flea Market
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- Categories: News
- Formats: Video
- Characters: Deadpool | Elektra | Wolverine
- Companies: Marvel Studios
- Genres: Action | Comedy | Comic Based | Science Fiction
- People / Bands: Hugh Jackman | Jennifer Garner | Morena Baccarin | Ryan Reynolds
- Shows / Movies: Deadpool and Wolverine
- Story Types: Video > Trailers