
Carson Wells: Call me when you've had enough. I can even let you keep a little of the money.
Llewelyn Moss: If I was cuttin' deals, why wouldn't I go deal with this guy Sugar?
Carson Wells: Oh, no, no. You don't understand. You can't make a deal with him. Even if you gave him the money he'd still kill you just for - inconveniencin' him. He's a peculiar man. You might even say that he has principles. Principles that transcend money or drugs or anything like that. He's not like you. He's not even like me.
Llewelyn Moss: He don't talk as much as you, I give him points for that.

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By: Josh Brolin | Woody Harrelson
Characters: Carson Wells | Llewelyn Moss
From: No Country for Old Men
Genres: Crime | Drama | Thrillers

Woody Harrelson, who plays Carson Wells, is attempting to convince Josh Brolin's character Llewelyn Moss, to give him a suitcase full of money Brolin found at the scene of a drug-deal-turned-massacre. Harrelson informs Brolin that the other man looking for the money is a psychotic killer who won't ask nicely. Brolin is already aware of that fact, since that killer, Anton Chigurh (played by Javier Bardem) has already put Brolin in the hospital, where this conversation takes place.