The 1991 horror thriller Silence of the Lambs centers on young FBI cadet Clarice Starling, who’s been tasked to hunt down a serial killer who skins his victims. The film – which successfully hovers between crime thriller and horror slasher – has endured as one of the most iconic examples of both genres ever since its original release. The movie, which has spawned numerous sequels, remakes and television shows, has now given rise to it’s own horror-themed bed and breakfast in Pennsylvania.
Scoop reports that the original Buffalo Bill’s House – a three-story, four-bedroom Queen Anne Victorian used during the shooting of Silence of the Lambs – has recently opened up as a sort of “Air BnB for horror buffs.” The owner, Chris Rowan – who works in film as an art director and prop stylist – has been making renovations and upgrades to the home since he purchased it earlier this year. It is available for private rentals with exclusive use of the entire house reserved only for ‘checked-in’ guests in the party, with a maximum of eight guests per stay.
Buffalo Bill’s House contains period accurate furniture, including a dining set, a parlor room with a decorative antique harp & church organ, and a large living room. Each bedroom, which contain four-poster beds, are named after characters in the movie, and include the Buffalo Bill master suite, Clarice Starling and Dr. Hannibal Lecter rooms, and the Precious room which features twin beds. Guests have access to the full kitchen and a charcoal grill outside, in case you’re in the mood to barbecue some ‘skinless’ franks. Rowan designed Buffalo Bill’s Playhouse in the attic, featuring a retro arcade (including Asteroids and Pac Man), big screen television, and a library of ’80s and ’90s movies on DVD & VHS, along with a pool table/air hockey combo table. All guests will also reportedly receive a ‘surprise’ gift during their stay. If you know what the gift is, please let DON’T let us know in comments, let’s leave that to fans’ imaginations, shall we.
Among the house’s unique features is the artwork, including pieces donated from artists around the world. The art includes oil paintings of Buffalo Bill and Clarice, and a gilded framed taxidermy death’s head moth.
Of course, staying at the Buffalo Bill House would be incomplete without a trip to the basement.
“Guests are going to be in for a real treat when they head downstairs to the infamous basement,” according to Rowan. “We have recreated what we are calling ‘Buffalo Bill’s Workshop of Horrors,’ complete with vintage Singer sewing machine, disco ball, four female mannequins dressed to resemble the ones in the movie, and of course, a full length mirror and Buffalo Bill style kimono for our guests’ use, designed to help fans get ‘in the mood’ to live out their Buffalo Bill fantasies. We even have ‘Goodbye Horses,’ the haunting song that plays during the famous Buffalo Bill dance scene, on auto play, as folks enter the basement. So, we encourage fans to put on that kimono and get their own tuck on. And don’t forget to take and post photos!”
Buffalo Bill’s House is located in Perryopolis, Pennsylvania, about 30 miles outside of Pittsburgh. It has a wraparound porch and gazebo, a rose bed garden and fountain, three-car garage, a vintage train caboose that sits next to the in-ground pool, a firepit, and is situated along the Youghiogheny River.
The house is also available for use as a filming location for cinematic projects and future plans for the house include recreating the well for photo ops.
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