Fox has revealed the hilariously wild first full trailer for Bohemian Rhapsody, the upcoming biopic centered on British rock band Queen. The group was one of those bands that was as popular with the urban bar crowd, as they were with the DJs that crafted the birth of early hip hop culture. What O.G. out there doesn’t recall KISS FM spinners like Chuck Chillout and Kool DJ Red Alert cutting the break on “Another One Bite’s the Dust” during the daily master-mix hour. And what 1980’s bar scene refugee doesn’t remember attempting their own rendition of “Bohemian Rhapsody,” while stoned out of their minds on a mixture of cocaine and Tequila.
Ultimately it was just great musical creation that inspired millions and continues to influence artists to this day.
Bohemian Rhapsody hits theaters like a mallet on November 2, 2018, co-directed by Dexter Fletcher and Bryan Singer. The film stars Rami Malek as lead singer Freddie Mercury, along with Mike Myers, Joseph Mazzello, Aidan Gillen, Ben Hardy, Lucy Boynton, Tom Hollander and Allen Leech.
Check out the trailer for Bohemian Rhapsody, along with a poster for the film, below. Oh, and for those going down memory lane right now, the official music video for “Another One Bite’s the Dust.”