Last week Kylin Pictures and Groundswell Productions released the first trailer for Birth of the Dragon. The George Nolfi-directed film tells the story of Bruce Lee’s early life in San Francisco and his legendary no-holds-barred fight against Shaolin kung fu master Wong Jack Man. Since then, the trailer has received more than 3.7 million views and lots of fan reaction videos.
Billy Magnussen’s character, Steve McKee, is reportedly based on Steve McQueen, who trained with Bruce Lee while Lee was living in California during the 1960’s.
George Nolfi – who directed the 2011 film The Adjustment Bureau and wrote Ocean’s Twelve & The Bourne Ultimatum – means the film will get wide distribution in the U.S. The cast includes Billy Magnussen as Steve McKee, Philip Ng as Bruce Lee, Terry Chen as Frankie Chun, Teresa Navarro, Vanessa Ross, Ron Yuan as Tony Yu, Yu Xia as Wong Jack Man, Melody Peng, Steven Wiig, Darren E. Scott as Vince Miller, King Lau,, Christina July Kim, Natalie Stephany Aguilar, Jingjing Qu as Xiulan, Felix Chu, Yee Jee Tso as Winston Peng, Steven Roberts, Simon Yin as Vinnie Wei, Xing Jin as Auntie Blossom, Vincent Cheng as Wing Lo, Peter Chao, Tom Hart, Darryl Quon as Bobby Chen, Jeff Mosley, Alan Chu, Annie Lore, Simon Chin as Wai Fu, Thomas Dalby, John Lobato, Heidi Michaelis, Andy Arness, Michael Andrew Reed, Larry Kitagawa and Lillian Lim.
Check out the trailer for Birth of the Dragon below, if you haven’t already watched it. As far as release dates, the film screened at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 13th and should have a distributor very soon. However, as of now, there is no firm release date.