Skydance Productions and Annapurna Pictures — the production companies behind Paramount’s 2015 Terminator franchise film reboot — are teaming up to develop a new Terminator television series, and have tapped X-Men: First Class writers Zack Stentz and Ashley Miller to write and executive produce the new show, Variety reports. Stentz and Miller’s credits include Fox’s Fringe TV series, the feature film Thor, and The Sarah Connor Chronicles, the first TV show that Fox spun off from the movie franchise.
The new show will follow a critical moment from the original Terminator movie — where the film’s story goes one way, the TV show will take that same moment in a different direction. Producers also expect the new Terminator TV series and rebooted Terminator film, which sounds more and more like it will be a new origin story, to have intersecting narratives.
The Sarah Connor Chronicles aired on Fox for two seasons, from 2008-2009, with Stentz and Miller working on the drama as producers and writers. James Cameron co-wrote and directed the original Terminator film, which starred Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehn, Linda Hamilton, Paul Winfield, Lance Henriksen, Rick Rossovich, Bess Motta, Earl Boen, Dick Miller, Shawn Schepps,Bruce M. Kerner, Franco Columbu and Bill Paxton. That film was released in 1984.