Trapcode recently commissioned an animated short film by director/designer Magnus Östergren of Potemkin. The film, called Exodus, uses Trapcode Suite with a focus on Trapcode Mir.
Mir is a plug-in for Adobe After Effects that provides you with a polygon mesh that can be displaced with a fractal and shaded in many ways. Mir uses OpenGL so it gives very fast feedback, allowing you to experiment while getting instant results. You can download a trial HERE and start playing.
Magic Bullet Looks was also used for color correction, effects processing and film grain.
Östergren says, “The film is set in space in an alternate universe. Logic and photo-realism are low priority but cool scenery and glows rule supreme.” He also created the soundtrack for the film, explaining that, “I like the concept of ‘art by accident’, just letting stuff evolve, like in my music production. In Trapcode Mir, I found a great tool for this method.”