Trailer 2 for John Carter hits the net

From Oscar-​win­ning film­mak­er An­drew Stan­ton comes John Carter, ​an epic ac­tion-​ad­ven­ture set on the mys­te­ri­ous and ex­ot­ic plan­et of Bar­soom (doubling for Mars). John Carter is based on a clas­sic nov­el by Edgar Rice Bur­roughs, whose high­ly imag­i­na­tive ad­ven­tures have served as in­spi­ra­tion for many film­mak­ers. John Carter tells the sto­ry of war-​weary, for­mer mil­i­tary cap­tain John Carter (Tay­lor Kitsch), who is in­ex­pli­ca­bly trans­port­ed to Mars where he be­comes re­luc­tant­ly em­broiled in a con­flict of epic pro­por­tions amongst the in­hab­i­tants of the plan­et, in­clud­ing Tars Tarkas (Willem Dafoe) and the cap­ti­vat­ing Princess De­jah Tho­ris (Lynn Collins). In a world on the brink of col­lapse, Carter re­dis­cov­ers his hu­man­i­ty when he re­al­izes that the sur­vival of Bar­soom and its peo­ple rests in his hands.

Check out Trailer 2 for John Carter below.

Below is the John Carter trailer in Spanish.