In celebration of its 20th Anniversary, Anchor Bay’s Manga label is set to release the highly anticipated animated film Redline, which will have a limited theatrical run in Los Angeles starting December 2nd and then in New York City, beginning on January 6th, 2012. Redline will then be released on Blu-ray and DVD on January 17, 2012.
The anime won the Audience Official Selection Award for Animation at Fantasia and the Outstanding Achievement in Feature Filmmaking Animation Award at the Newport Beach Film Festival. Redline is a racing film created by Japan’s Studio Madhouse (Paprika, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars), and centers on the biggest and most deadly racing tournament in the universe. Only held once every five years, everyone wants to stake their claim to fame, including JP, a reckless dare-devil driver oblivious to speed limits with his ultra-customized car – all the while, organized crime and militaristic governments want to leverage the race to their own ends. Amongst the other elite rival drivers in the tournament, JP falls for the alluring Sonoshee – but will she prove his undoing, or can a high speed romance survive a mass destruction race?
Check out the trailer for Redline below and CLICK HERE to see a gallery of screenshots from the anime over at