Somehow the marketing team behind Savage County received quick word that I wrote a little story about tonight’s premiere of the film on MTV2. So they’ve forwarded me some additional information surrounding facts about the project, along with a whole series of events happening in the next few days, that are actually much more fun than just the premiere itself.
To start with, when the MTV horror film Savage County premieres tonight on MTV2 at 11pm Eastern, director David Harris will be online, holding a live director’s commentary on Twitter under the #SavageCounty tag. Harris will also remain online for a Q&A during the West Coast airing.
I also received word that there’s a free web prequel comic online exclusively over at ComicBookResurces, which offers a window into the origins of one of the movie’s first victims and introduces the murderous Hardell family. Additionally, the film’s poster (see below) was painted by artist Vincent Castiglia, who apparently paints in his own blood. Ouch!
If you’re interested in a print of the blood-infused poster, both Castiglia and director David Harris will be at New York Comic-Con this Saturday, October 9th, for a Savage County-centered panel at 2 pm, followed by a Castiglia poster signing. I don’t think he’ll be signing in blood, but who knows.
In addition to the MTV2 airing tonight, Savage County will be distributed by Cinetic Media on DVD, cable VOD, and streaming media channels like Hulu, Netflix and The low-budget film has been going the Blair Witch marketing route, heavily favoring online tools, including a director’s blog, the prequel web-comic I already mentioned, a news blog from the fictional town of its title, a video blog, text blog and Twitter accounts by some of the film’s characters.
Finally, regarding the film’s music, apparently director David Harris is something of a music buff, so the Savage County soundtrack album is filled with hand-picked tunes by Al Kapone, The Franks, Those Darlins, Vince Mira and more.
Now I’m a little more than curious about this little TV grindhouse sound-alike, and may just have a seat in my living room to give the film a try. Maybe I’ll even try to nab one of those blood-filled posters at New York Comic-Con this weekend.
Check out the Vincent Castiglia-painted Savage County poster below.