The upcoming Radical Publishing sci-fi graphic novel, Oblivion, created by Tron: Legacy director Joseph Kosinski, has been optioned by Disney for the big screen treatment, according to HeatVision. Kosinski will also produce and direct the feature, along with Radical’s Barry Levine and Jesse Berger.
Kosinski partnered with Radical on Oblivion in 2009, and spent the last year developing the story while putting the finishing touches on Tron: Legacy.
Oblivion – which is written by Rex Mundi creator, Arvid Nelson, and illustrated by Andrée Wallin – is set on a post-apocalyptic Earth, where civilization lives above the clouds and scavengers illegally collect ancient artifacts from the polluted and destroyed surface below. When one young scavenger finds a crashed spacecraft planetside – and a beautiful woman within – leading him on a journey filled with romance, adventure and unimaginable danger.
According to the report, other studios were interested in Oblivion, but Disney wanted to keep Kosinski in the fold.
Kosinski is also developing a remake of cult sci-fi classic The Black Hole, also at Disney.
Radical Publishing will release the Oblivion comic this fall.
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