Shout! Factory and Marvel Animation have expanded their content partnership to bring Marvel’s innovative Marvel Knights Animation series to U.S. homes. The announcement was made today by Shout! Factory founding partners Richard Foos, Bob Emmer and Garson Foos, along with Marvel Animation President Eric Rollman.
Direct from the pages of the critically acclaimed comics, Marvel Knights Animation remains true to the legendary Marvel experience of sophisticated storytelling and dynamic artwork, and is based on the work of celebrated Marvel creators including Joss Whedon, Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita, Jr., Warren Ellis, John Cassaday and Adi Granov. The series merges iconic Marvel comic book graphics and dynamic animation, utilizing some of the latest technology to provide incredible, cutting-edge, in-your-face storytelling. A wonderful hybrid that incorporates all of Marvel’s greatest talents, viewers can experience their favorite comics, as the spectacular visions of these authors and artists come alive.
Under the agreement, Shout! Factory will be the exclusive U.S. home entertainment distributor with licensing rights to Marvel Knights Animation properties, including Astonishing X-Men: Gifted, Black Panther, Iron Man: Extremis, Spider-Woman and many more to be announced.
This follows an earlier arrangement for Shout! Factory to be the exclusive U.S. home entertainment distributor to Marvel’s highly successful animated series The Super Hero Squad Show.
“Marvel Animation is a wonderful partner. Once again, we are delighted to expand our relationship with Marvel and to add fan favorite stories from Marvel Animation to our pop culture library,” stated the Shout! Factory founding partners. “Marvel Knights Animation demonstrates the immense popularity of the genre, offering fans a one-of-a-kind experience of bringing Marvel’s greatest Super Heroes to their homes in an entertaining way.”