The History Channel recently released the compelling documentary The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After on DVD. The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After documents one of our nation’s greatest tragedies from an entirely new perspective.
To celebrate the new release, FilmFetish is giving away two copies of the DVD to readers.
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I’ll be running this contest through Friday, February 26, 2010.
More about The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After
While the moments and hours after John F. Kennedy’s tragic assassination were some of the most formative and important for our country, that story has rarely, and only partially, been told. Based on the bestselling book by Steven M. Gillon, The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After is a thoroughly fascinating near real-time account of this pivotal day in history told from the point-of-view of Vice President Lyndon Johnson that uses stunning details uncovered in newly public documents to reveal a vice president thrust into the role of commander-in-chief forced to make critical decisions with limited information.
From the moment Lyndon B. Johnson was told of JFK’s death (after a security aide had already ordered a casket), to his decision to take the oath of office on Air Force One alongside the former First Lady (before getting her approval), to the return to his home for a full briefing of what happened that day (long after it was televised to the world), 24 Hours After uncovers a shocking and little documented story examining the unusual incidents and events surrounding one of the most critical days in American history.
Run Time: 94 mins.
Format: Single DVD
DVD Release Date: January 26, 2010