While attending a seminar with his sons during the closing day of the Los Angeles Film Festival called Family Man: Robert Rodriguez, the eponymous director revealed few details surrounding his many high profile upcoming projects, according to Sci-Fi Wire.
Before he came into the 90-minute panel, which was meant to promote his upcoming family-oriented comedy Shorts, Rodriguez discussed his other projects. He confirmed that he is not doing a remake of Barbarella any longer, and he didn’t have much to say about his Predators reboot for Fox. “I’m definitely not going to direct it or write it, but you know me, I’ll have my hands in it somehow,” he said. According to the report, he will indeed produce Predators, which is scheduled for a July 2010 release. Rodriguez also had little to say about his Jetsons movie either.
He apparently then smiled and let loose with this interesting quote:
“We’re saving a lot of announcements for Comic-Con; it’s coming up so very soon.”
San Diego Comic-Con can’t get here quick enough.
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