From two legendary directors, Tony Scott (Man On Fire) and Ridley Scott (Blade Runner), comes The Hunger – a groundbreaking horror series available for the first time on DVD. On June 2nd, E1 Entertainment will release a 4 disc DVD set of The Hunger, and to celebrate the event, FilmFetish is getting two copies for readers to enjoy.
In order to be entered to win one of The Hunger DVD sets, here’s what you need to do:
- As always, you need to be a member of, or sign-up for our eNews, if you’re not already. CLICK HERE to do that. It’s totally free.
- Reply to this post, and tell me the name of your favorite Ridley Scott film AND your favorite Tony Scott film, and WHY.
I’ll be running this contest through the release date of June 2nd, 2009, then I’ll choose the two best answers, and those two will be the winners. Good luck!
Hosted by Terence Stamp (Smallville, Valkyrie) and inspired by leading horror writers, this macabre anthology series from Ridley & Tony Scott, features a phenomenal cast of familiar faces including Daniel Craig (Quantum of Solace, The Golden Compass), Balthazar Getty (Brothers & Sisters, Alias), Golden Globe winners Sally Kirkland (Bruce Almighty, Anna) and Bruce Davison (X-Men, Longtime Companion), Academy Award nominee Karen Black (Five Easy Pieces, Easy Rider), and many more. The Hunger: The Complete First Season includes all 22 episodes, complete and uncut, for the first time in one deluxe 4-DVD set.
In The Hunger, demons, vampires, and fantasy run wild in a mesmerizing cross between The Twilight Zone and Tales from the Crypt. The half-hour episodes feature horrific stories, with themes of self-destructive desire and obsession. From cannibalism to uncontrollable lust, from vampires to evil spirits, the one common thread is a pervasive sense of eroticism. The Hunger originally aired for two seasons (1997-1999) on Showtime in the U.S., and took its name from the 1983 urban vampire film starring David Bowie, Catherine Deneuve and Susan Sarandon. The Hunger: The Complete First Season also includes the original “making of” segment – an introduction to the second season with David Bowie, who replaced Stamp as host in 1999.