Independent game developer Zombie Studios has reached an agreement with Fox Atomic and production company Union Entertainment to develop its military action franchise Blacklight, into a feature film, comic series and video game. The announcement was made jointly by Zombie CEO Mark Long, Fox Atomic chief Debbie Liebling, and Union president Richard Leibowitz.
Blacklight is a covert military action epic set twenty-five years in the future. The three companies will work together on a movie and comic book series to be produced by Fox Atomic, along with a multi-platform video game that will be produced by Zombie.
Both the film and game will be written by Jason Dean Hall, whose latest film, Spread, sold at Sundance to Summit.
Richard Leibowitz will produce and Dmitri Johnson and Dan Jevons will executive produce for Union. Mark Long will serve as an executive producer on the feature, with Zak Kadison and R. Eric Lieb overseeing for Atomic.
According to a statement by the companies, the Blacklight film, game and comic will feature the same characters and high caliber military action, but with unique, intersecting storylines that complement each other. No release dates for any of the properties have been announced.